
Team building

We can organize for you team building programs according to your wishes and requirements. In addition to offering services of organizing team building, in Matilde Beach Resort, you can get a complete service from accommodation to gastronomic offer, entertainment and animation programs. Programs are composed according to the requests of the customer, age, industry and specialities of certain groups.

Wedding and honeymoon

Have you ever dreamed of getting married on the beach? Say “Yes” to your loved one in the way as if from the shot of a love film. We organize weddings and wedding dinner in our a la carte restaurant Latier. Special menus on request, ceremonial arrangement and accommodation for the newlyweds and guests – are only part of our offer.

Birthdays, baptisms, confirmations and other events

Matilde Beach Resort is an ideal place for your children. Birthday party for them is the most important day of the year and we take care that it forever remains in their memories. Organize your child a birthday, whether at the snack bar or restaurant and let the whole team be delighted.

Birthdays can be a theme and are designed according to the needs and ages. Entertainment team of Matilde Beach Resort will take care of the party and program so that the celebrator is here to relax and enjoy the day.

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